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3 Ways your bedroom design can help you sleep


Interior design schemes for bedrooms have to look fabulous, we know this... and they have to be practical and in-keeping with the overall design aesthetic. This is obvious BUT there are a number of other factors that we consider when we design bedrooms that can actually help you to get the best nights sleep.

Here are a few of our favourite things to include that can help.

Tip #1 - The right sheets

Ok so are we talking black satin??? Hmm, I don't think so although I did recently purchase a satin fitted sheet as I thought it would be lovely against my skin BUT I did not take into account that the duvet would slip around and we had to keep a firm hold of it all night!

So, when selecting your sheets, look for a higher thread counts as this generally means a softer and more luxurious feel. Also consider the weave of the sheets. Sateen weaves tend to be softer and more lustrous, while percale weaves offer a crisp, cool feel. One of our 'go to' recommendations for sheets however are Bamboo sheets from 'The Better Sleep Company' also available from high street stores such as John Lewis and Marks & Spencers. Bamboo firstly is super soft so really good for your skin and it is both hypo-allergenic and anti-bacterial. It is also sustainable as it is one of the fastest regenerating materials available and can be grown without the use of pesticides. I also recommend a browse at Home Sense for good value for money as they often have excellent 'hotel quality' sheets at a fraction of the retail price. And... in case you're wondering about colour, there is only one colour - WHITE!

Oh and whilst we're talking bedlinen I must tell you about the 'game changer' for my boys rooms which is - washable duvets. If your kids like mine are allergic to putting the duvet cover back on after it has been washed then these are for you. From 'The Fine Bedding Company' these Night Owl duvets do not need a cover. You can wash the whole thing in a normale domestic machine and it dries in just a few hours. They are so easy and also more hygenic! total essential for a teenage boys bedroom!

Bedroom design with houseplants

Tip #2 - Houseplants

I love a houseplant, and I am only just learning how to keep them alive. I'm even growing chillies from seeds! I think since my boys are grown up I'm enjoying caring form something (pop psychology for you!)

Houseplants are more than just beautiful additions to your bedroom design. They have a number of health benefits, including improving air quality and increasing oxygen levels. Not to mention, they can also reduce stress and anxiety - something we could all use a little help with in today's busy world!

We love the Kentia Palm, it's one of the best plants for improving air quality and removing toxins from the air. We recently purchased one for our new design studio from one of our favourite suppliers - Patch Plants who have FREE delivery to your door!

Kentia Palm Houseplant

"Plants give us oxygen for the lungs and for the soul"— Terri Guillemets"

Tip #3 - blackout blinds in your bedroom design

This one is more of a personal preference. We are asked a LOT for blackout blinds and curtains in bedrooms. Personally I like a little bit of daylight coming in, it's better for your circadian rhythm. However I know some people sleep better on total darkness. So if that's you then our recommendations are..... DOUBLE UP!

I mean blackout curtains and blackout blinds! Roman blinds fitted inside a window recess will let less light in than a roller blind BUT there will definitely be some light bleed around the edges. SO, adding blackout curtains over the top will reduce the light seeping in. Curtains hung from pelmet boards also stop the light coming up from behind the pole.

Let us know your top tips.....

Need help with your new bedroom scheme? Pp in and see us at our new design studio. Or call Kim on 07985561270 for a free home visit.

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Sarah Thomas
Sarah Thomas
May 10, 2023

Love the links Kim - all really great finds I hadn't heard of before but will definitely try them out. Where is the lampshade in the bedroom from please?


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